Data & AI Governance on Databricks

Ease of access, yet secure, governed, compliant and ethical.

Apply consistent governance and access policies on all your Databricks workspaces with Unity Catalog to meet your Enterprise compliance, security and trust in your data products with the Unity Catalog.

Add business context to the data and make your data products easily discoverable and accessible with Unity catalog or in combination with other Enterprise data catalogs.

SunnyData’s Approach

A robust data governance framework is critical to maintain data quality, ensure data privacy and security, and meet regulatory compliance requirements. Unity Catalog gives customers a comprehensive robust toolkit that helps apply governance frameworks on all their data assets on Databricks - designed from the ground up to offer an operationally efficient and sustainable platform.

Practical Data Governance with Unity Catalog

Enterprises have a need to define and apply a unified governance framework and access policies across all data, BI , ML and AI assets, which can be overwhelming. Defining a consistent data governance framework for all your Databricks workspaces, with the appropriate ACLs and business definitions is a great place to start.

Flexible and scalable governance model that can be iterated upon

Don’t boil the ocean. Start out with a simple but scalable data governance framework that can be applied bottoms up - starting out with access control frameworks on your tables, columns and workspaces consistently across your Databricks lakehouse. Data classifications, business glossaries, data lineage and other advanced capabilities can be implemented in later phases as part of your Unity catalog implementation.

Ease of discoverability and sharing with the appropriate guard rails

Organizations need to balance the need for ease of discoverability and access on the lakehouse with the appropriate access control required for compliance and security. Enterprise grade governance policies can be applied with Unity catalog, which also allow organizations to be set up for Delta sharing for data sharing use cases.

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